Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rice Cake Treat!

Craving something sweet but don't want to put in the effort to bake a clean treat? Here is a simple solution...Try my very easy and delicious Rice Cake Treat.


  • 1 Honey Nut Rice Cake (Lundberg Whole Grain Brown Rice)
  • 1/2 T Almond Butter
  •  5 Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 4 large Strawberries
  • 1 Small cut of Tin Foil 
  1. Spread Almond Butter onto Rice Cake
  2. Place 5 Dark Chocolate Chips in a circle on top of the Almond Butter
  3. Place Rice Cake onto Tin Foil
  4. Place Foil with Rice Cake into oven and turn on oven to 350°  
  5. While oven is heating up (with Rice Cake inside) wash and cut your Strawberries however you desire
  6. Once oven is done heating, remove Rice Cake and spread the Chocolate Chips around


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