Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Never Give Up!

In life we stumble across many different obstacles. Some being BIG and then some small, but it is how we react to these obstacles that help define who we are. I have been dealing with my biggest obstacle yet...

On September 15, 2013 I woke up with horrible back pain. So bad that I couldn't stand up straight and it was a constant stabbing feeling. Even though I've dealt with lower back pain since high school (I have an extra vertebra... I know, I know, FREAK! haha and no, I don't have a tail), I knew that this was different. The doctor that I went to was the same one who diagnosed me with the extra vertebra. When I went to see him he brushed it off as pain due to my extra vertebra, gave me a little massage, stretched me out and sent me on my way. He said I would feel better in a few hours, and pain free by the next day. That was not the case. The next day the pain was worse. I called the doctor and told him how I was feeling and he had me come back in for more treatment. At my appointment I proceeded to tell him my symptoms and where the pain was, he was questioning me and making me feel as if I was lying to him and just being dramatic. Lets just say that was my LAST appointment with that doctor.

I found my new doctor through a friend who used to work for him, and I am so glad I did. Within my first appointment he gave me two opinions of what he thought was causing my pain, one being a stress fracture and the other being a herniated disc. He then proceeded with giving me an x-ray which did not show anything out of the ordinary (except for that extra vertebra again). He then decided to send me to get an MRI. After I got my MRI it proved that yes indeed, I had a herniated disc. We discussed my options and decided to go with therapy and Spinal Decompression (I'm trying to avoid surgery... too young for that).

Hooked up to Spinal Decompression

I have now gone through 32+ Spinal Decompression and therapy sessions, done 3 sessions of Acupuncture, been drinking a nasty anti-inflammatory shake daily, wore a back brace daily, icing throughout the day, had to quit my second job that I loved, limited myself at the salon, and have had to limited my daily activity to basically nothing (yup, that means no working out since September). Now I am WAY better than I was in September, but I am still feeling pain and according to my doctor I should have been pain free after 12 sessions of therapy. 

Back Brace


How do I continue to stay motivated and positive you ask? Well I guess the only answer I have is that I love me. I believe in me and I refuse to let an injury bring me down. Never in my life have I been so happy and confident with who I am, and even though my journey has taken a wild turn I wouldn't change a thing. You see, I've realized even more about myself since getting injured. I've learned that I'm strong and I have self control, just because I can't workout doesn't mean I drop the healthy living. This is my lifestyle and I won't just throw in the towel because of a little hiccup. There are SO many other people out there that have it WAY worse than I do and I refuse to be selfish and have a pity party.

Whats next you ask? Welps as for me, I just set up an appointment today to see a M.D. who is an Interventional Spine Specialist. I will see him January 23rd, 2014. Hopefully we can figure something else out that may help, because lets be honest I may be positive and happy but I'm SOOOO over it. 

January 3rd,2014
My 1 year 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Grilled Cheese

I am a HUGE cheese lover and I don't think I could ever give it up! Grilled cheese is one of those meals that you grow up on, so I decided to create a clean version! This my friends has got to be one of my FAVORITE creations!


  • 2 slices of Ezekiel Bread
  • 1 slice of Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1 T Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 4 slices of Roma Tomato
  • Spinach Leaves/Kale Leaves (however much you desire)
  • Light drizzle of  EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • Garlic Powder (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Hot Sauce (I personally like Tabascos Green Pepper Sauce, but you are welcome to use anything to spice it up)
  1. Preheat oven to 400° 
  2. Place Ezekiel Bread onto foil sheet
  3. Start to build however you'd like!!
  4. Wrap the sandwich in foil and place in preheated oven for 20 mins
  5. After 20 mins open the foil so the top of the sandwich is exposed hit Broil and cook for an additional 3-5 mins (keep and eye on it, this is just to get an added crunch)
  6. Remove from oven, slice it up however and get your grub on! 


Rice Cake Treat!

Craving something sweet but don't want to put in the effort to bake a clean treat? Here is a simple solution...Try my very easy and delicious Rice Cake Treat.


  • 1 Honey Nut Rice Cake (Lundberg Whole Grain Brown Rice)
  • 1/2 T Almond Butter
  •  5 Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 4 large Strawberries
  • 1 Small cut of Tin Foil 
  1. Spread Almond Butter onto Rice Cake
  2. Place 5 Dark Chocolate Chips in a circle on top of the Almond Butter
  3. Place Rice Cake onto Tin Foil
  4. Place Foil with Rice Cake into oven and turn on oven to 350°  
  5. While oven is heating up (with Rice Cake inside) wash and cut your Strawberries however you desire
  6. Once oven is done heating, remove Rice Cake and spread the Chocolate Chips around


Monday, January 6, 2014

Protein Waffles/Pancakes

Clean Protein Waffles/Pancakes


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats OR 1/3 cup oat flour
  • 1/2 serving vanilla protein powder (or whatever flavor you have)
  • cinnamon (to taste)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  1. If using rolled oats put them into a food processor and blend until flour consistency  
  2. Add all ingredients into food processor and continue blending till it forms a batter
  3. Spray pan or waffle iron with Coconut Oil or EVOO 
  4. Use by making pancakes or waffles 
  5. Top with Almond Butter


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hi everyone! So there have been many thoughts running through my mind as to why I've created this blog, and I've come to a simple answer...I want to inspire YOU, I want to motivate YOU, I want YOU to realize that YOU are beautiful and deserve the body and health that YOU've always dreamed of. No its not easy and yes it takes time, but with the determination and mindset you can get it done.

I began my journey back in January of 2013 weighing in at my heaviest weight of 177 lbs. I am 5'7" and very well proportioned so I didn't look awful, but I did feel awful and I became fed up! I was to a point where I was eating fast food almost daily and then feeling gross and groggy for hours after. It was time for change. I began slow at first, for example: I began to follow many different fitness models and motivational pages on Instagram (I knew that because I am a frequent ig user I'd see daily motivation that way), I became more aware of the foods that I was putting into my body by doing research and attempting to understand the chemicals that they add to our food (attempting being key word), I reached out to friends and family for moral support (HUGE! Surround yourself with positive people who will support you. If they don't support you in this lifestyle change then they are no good for you anyway), and I changed my mindset (I knew that one of the MOST important steps in this journey was to start believing in myself).

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

So there you have it my followers, the beginning stages of my journey. Not easy but well worth it!